Everyone who pays taxes in Lithuania can donate 2% of his/her income tax to a non-profit organization - this is what the Lithuanian Law of Charity allows to do. Let Erasmus Student Network ESN Lithuania be this organization! It will not cost you anything and would only take a few minutes. It will contribute to the better standing of the organization you feel connected to.
Follow the instructions:
1. Connect to the Tax inspection’s online services (E-deklaravimas) through your banking system.
2. Press Give dontion (Pildyti formą > Prašymas skirti paramą) on the right of the window.
3. Press the button "Fill the form online" (Pildyti formą tiesiogiai portale) at the left corner of the window.
4. A window with your personal information filled, will pop out.
5. You will need to fill in the following sections:
5.1. Enter Erasmus Student Network ESN Lithuania code (302836292)
5.2. Enter Erasmus Student Network ESN Lithuania name (Erasmus Studentų Tinklas ESN Lietuva)
5.3. Enter Erasmus Student Network ESN Lithuania address (Breslaujos g. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas)
5.4. Enter Erasmus Student Network ESN Lithuania bank account number (LT43 7300 0101 3277 9963)
5.5. Enter the amount you want to donate (2% or less)
5.6. Click SAVE (Išsaugoti) and DECLARE (Pateikti) after you are done.
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