Erasmus in Schools (EiS) is an ongoing project based on non-formal education. The aim of Erasmus in Schools is to promote mobility, familiarise students with Europe and its citizens, their traditions and customs, as well as to overcome stereotypes.
Student-beneficial aspects
Erasmus in Schools offers an opportunity for international students to get closer to local communities they live in and to promote their home countries. At the same time, it gives local pupils an opportunity to get a first-hand experience of other cultures existing in Europe.
Schools-beneficial aspects
Schools that participate in this project give an opportunity for children and teenagers to learn about the importance of tolerance and cultural diversity and provides them with knowledge about other cultures and mobility in the future. This helps kids to become more open towards international experiences in their future paths.
Current situation
From March until November 2019 8 sections of ESN Lithuania will be participating in the Erasmus in Schools project. Different groups of volunteers with the help of international exchange students will be having visitations to over 10 different schools all over Lithuania with a goal to visit as many national minority schools as possible.
Erasmus in Schools is carried out by sections of ESN Lithuania in four major cities - Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai.
The project is supported by the Švietimo mainų paramos fondas (Education Exchanges Support Foundation).
For more information about the project, please contact our National Projects Manager by e-mail [email protected].
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